Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sacred Breath Connection

Breath is something we sometimes take for granted. It just occurs automatically and we don't have to think about it. What we may not realize is that how we breathe, the pattens of our breathing, can shift our minds, our consciousness into different neurological pathways in the brain.Dr. Frank Lawlis has written a book outlining in science what mystics have know for eons, that breath is a powerful tools to shift your mind into different areas of the brain and therefore alter consciousness.Dr. Lawlis' book, THE IQ ANSWER - MAXIMIZING YOUR CHILD'S POTENTIAL, is ground breaking for the everyday world and scientific community in its clear exercises in breath control. It has often been said, "when you control your breath, you can control your life".Mystic Yoga has known about using the breath, Pranayama, for transformation from the beginning of ancient wisdom. Since Dr. Lawlis has opened the doorway of this ancient knowledge to the average person who may have little interest in Mystic Yoga, I was inspired to share what I know about the breath. Although there are yoga positions that usually accompany the breaths, for now you can derive great benefit from practicing the breathing techniques themselves and add the yoga postures later. I'll add additional information on the postures in the days to come.FIRE BREATHThis breath can move the Kundalini energies up the spine and is considered a serious exercise toward gaining enlightenment.At the base of your spine, your masculine energy is on the right side of your spine and the Feminine energy is on the left side of your spine. As you perform this breath the masculine and feminine energies flow simultaneously like two serpents running up your spine (look at the example on the right of the two serpents running up the spine used as our medical symbol today.)
EXERCISEI suggest that you perform this breath as you visualize the energy, beginning at the base of your spine, running up your spine and out through the top of your head to merge into one ball of light and then into a fountain of energy.Begin this breath by breathing in deeply several times and then continue to breath deeply and quickly. Now as quickly as you can and as deeply as are able continue to breathe in what seems like short snorts of breath. You may only be able to do this 8 to 10 breaths at first. You can do this up to one or two minutes if you are able later. Don't forget to visualize the energy going up your spine merging above your head.When I began to do this exercise, I immediately felt the energies move up my spine and into my head. It will give you a feeling of nirvana and bliss just after the exercise. You will feel peaceful and serene - yet energized. You will feel awakened.ALTERNATE NOSTRIL BREATHINGConsciously breathe through alternate nostrils. Press your finger to the outside of your nostril to accomplish this practice. You are balanced the hemispheres in your brain - the masculine and feminine. Different part of your brain light up with activity with this exercise.
EXERCISEBreathe in your right nostril by closing off your left, and when you've inhaled all you can, close the right nostril and breathe out through the left. Continue to do this for a few minutes.Repeat the alternating patten several time in a relaxed manner.Breathe in your left nostril by closing off your right, and when you've inhaled all you can, close the left nostril and breathe out through the right. Continue to do this for a few minutes, then switch.BREATHE AND HOLD 1This breath triggers creativity and inspiration. Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein both used this technique.
EXERCISEFor every one count of breathing in, hold that breath for four counts, and exhale for two counts. If this breathing patten seem to fast for you, use the following alternative.Inhale breathing in to a count of four, holding that breath for sixteen counts and exhaling it slowly to a count of eight.BREATHE AND HOLD 2This exercise takes you out of the emotional space you are in if you are feeling anxious or fearful or stressed. It shifts your conscious mind into another space.
EXERCISEBreathe in slowly and exhale slowly three times. On the forth breath, breathe in slowly and hold for a count of 4 and exhale.Repeat the whole process for a minute or so.If you are feeling troubled or anxious try one of these breathing techniques for about 10 minutes or so and you will be amazed at how relaxed you will be in a matter of minutes.

Autumnal Equinox, September 22, 23 Meditation

An equinox is one of two opposite points on the celestial sphere where the celestial equator and ecliptic intersect. As the Sun passes an equinox, the lengths of the day and night everywhere on Earth are equal, that is 12 hours.The equinoxes then, together with the solstices, are the defining moments of the start of the (astronomical) seasons, except in China, where they mark the center of the respective seasons.The Autumn Equinox begins at zero Libra.There are those who believe the equinox solar affect produces a reduction in the magnetic field of the Earth, providing easier access to other dimensions beginning around 24 hours before, and ending around 24 hours after the exact Equinox point. Doorways or thresholds into the mysteries are more easily accessed during equinoxes and when we consciously engage this timing we are taking advantage of the opportunity to further activate our own experience of these sacred timings and what they have to offer us.This is a great time to be on the land, in a power spot that calls to you, whether that is in a forest, near a body of water, on a mountain, in a sacred site or in your back yard.What is important is to create the time and space that supports a direct experience of the mysteries that are ready to reveal themselves to you. From Ellie Crystal’s website: http://www.crystalinks.comA ceremony giving thanks for the growing energies of the Source and the fertility of the Goddess should be performed at this time. Use creativity and imagination to create the space for receiving the harvest and giving thanks. You can light a candle and call in the energies of the goddess giving her your heart felt thanks for your bountiful harvest. Create a meditation and visualize the Goddess in front of you and give your thanks to her.Ancient Symbols of Autumnal Equinox:
Use as a time for: Second Harvest, the Mysteries, Equality and Balance
Use Decorations of: Wine, gourds, pine cones, acorns, grains, corn, apples, pomegranates, vines like ivy, dried seeds, and horns of plenty.
Use Herbs: Acorn, benzoin, ferns, grains, honeysuckle, marigold, milkweed, myrrh, passion flower, rose, sage, solomon's seal, tobacco, thistle, and vegetables.
Eat Foods: Breads, nuts, apples, pomegranates, and vegetables: potatoes, carrots, and onions.
Use Scents: Autumn Blend=benzoin, myrrh, and sage.
Use Colors: Red, orange, russet, maroon, brown, and gold.
Use Gemstones: Sapphire, lapis lazuli, and yellow agates. Gathering things outside and bring them in (flowers, fruit, vegetables) is a symbol of your harvest, walking in the woods is an appreciation of what you have received, scattering seeds in harvested fields and offering water to trees, acorns is a giving back and sowing. Honoring those who have passed over, honors their legacy in you.It is a magical time for the intention of prosperity, self-confidence, harmony and balance. We enter a Time of Balance, Equilibrium, and Justice. Libra is an Air Sign ruled by Venus - Love and Balance. Autumn colors include the frequency of the color orange and a lighter version of that frequency is Peach. Use these powerful energies to create and bring in the dreams, goals and visions that will bring you into greater balance.

Spring Eqinox Meditation

On March 20, 2007, at precisely 8:07 P.M. EDT (March 21, 00:07 Universal Time), the Sun will cross directly over the Earth's equator. This moment is known as the vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. For the Southern Hemisphere, this is the moment of the autumnal equinox.Equinox Means Equal NightTranslated literally, equinox means "equal night." Because the sun is positioned above the equator, day and night are about equal in length all over the world during the equinoxes. A second equinox occurs each year on September 22 or 23; in 2007, it will be on September 23 at 5:51 A.M. EDT (09:51 UT). This date will mark the autumnal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the vernal equinox in the Southern (vernal denotes "spring").Reasons for the SeasonsThese brief but monumental moments owe their significance to the 23.4 degree tilt of the Earth's axis. Because of the tilt, we receive the Sun's rays most directly in the summer. In the winter, when we are tilted away from the Sun, the rays pass through the atmosphere at a greater slant, bringing lower temperatures. If the Earth rotated on an axis perpendicular to the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun, there would be no variation in day lengths or temperatures throughout the year, and we would not have seasons.Traditions and CeremoniesPeople have recognized the vernal equinox for thousands of years with ceremonies and traditions surrounding the coming of spring. Many early peoples celebrated for the basic reason that their food supplies would soon be restored. The date is significant in Christianity because Easter always falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox. Egyptians built the Great Sphinx so that it points directly toward the rising Sun on the day of the vernal equinox.The first day of spring also marks the beginning of Nowruz, the Persian New Year. The celebration lasts 13 days and is rooted in the 3,000-year-old tradition of Zorastrianism.SPRING OR VERNAL EQUINOX TODAYSpring is a time of resurrection and new life just as you see the plants blooming with new buds this is our time to rise anew. The seeds that we planted in the fall of last year are now springing forth with beautiful life.Take some time to feel the new life inside of you and the anticipation and excitement that comes with that. This is what you will bring forth into your 'new life'. Honoring this new creation that is springing forth we spend a few minutes in celebration and thanksgiving in the following ways.STANDING MEDITATION HONORING ALL LIFE (CREATION)In the morning go outside and greet the rising sun. Here are some powerful steps that will recharge your batteries and can be done everyday. (You can do this exercise just about anytime and anywhere through visualization).Standing outside feel your feet planted firmly in Mother Earth's center core. At the same time, see yourself with you head among the starts and connected to all things in the universe.Next, raise your hands above your head and visualize the sun's energy dropping to your open hands. Feel the beautiful energies that come from the Great Central Sun directly to you and into your opened hands. Feel this in your heart with great gratitude. Now, bring your hands down to your solar plexus (3rd chakra) and place your palms against your solar plexus visualizing the sun's energy move from your hands and into you.Feel and visualize the Sun's Energy moving up to your heart - stop to feel the energy.Visualize the Sun's Energy moving up to your throat - stop to feel the energy.Visualize the Sun's Energy moving up to your third eye (6th chakra) - stop to feel the energy. Visualize the Sun's Energy moving up to the top of your head, your crown chakra - stop to feel the energy.Last, visualize the sun's energy moving out the top of your head and into the universe connecting you with all things - stop to feel the energy. Take a moment to receive and feel the return of the energies that you have just sent out. These are the answering energies from the universe back to you.With a thankful heart go about your day.
The 2012 Quartz CrystalsTM come to us from Brazil where they were recently discovered in a new mine heralding the coming of the golden age and perfect balance. When I first read a 2012 CrystalTM I was astounded by the vastness of a new energy that it contained. As I tuned in more intently I immediately felt an immense unified field of energy that I identify as ZERO POINT. As a partner to the 2012 Crystals, Amethyst amps up the 2012 to a huge level.
The 2012 CrystalsTM contain everything in a scope ofONE = supreme balance and Zero Point realized.
I am very honored and excited to offer the 2012 Quartz CrystalsTM to my friends through DNA Alchemy. At this time, I am the only on-line store granted permission to offer the 2012 CrystalTM.MORE ABOUT 2012 AND ZERO POINT

DNA Alchemy Metaphysical Blog

Welcome to my new blogspot dedicated to bringing new information and tools for discussion.

Topics this month include:

  • 2012 Crystals and the 2012 Energies
  • Shifting Solar Light and what it means to us
  • Economic conditions and what the spiritual community needs to know
  • Weather Report: Monthly energetic report to help you navigate your life
  • Meditations to enliven and energize